“Bond Vigilantes” Approve ECB-EBA Stressing Euro Bank

ARTICLE October 31, 2014

By GIC Board Member J. Paul Horne

Speaker / Author

J. Paul Horne

Independent International Economist & GIC Board Member

Paul Horne is an active independent international market economist since retiring as a managing director and European equity market economist at Salomon Smith Barney/Citigroup in London. He is on the boards of the Global Interdependence Center in Philadelphia; the Committee for the Republic in Washington, DC; and the American Library of Paris Foundation. He writes for The European Institute (supported by the University of Maryland and the Bertelsmann Foundation) and is on the forecasting and editorial panels of the National Association for Business Economics. Previous positions: Smith Barney’s chief international economist and Investment Policy Committee member based in Paris 1975-1998; the ... Read More