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ESG Backlash: The Great Political Pillow Fight of 2022*
February 1, 2023GIC Member, Natalie Cohen, the President and founder of National Municipal Research, penned a blog post on ESG backlash.
Climate and Financial Stability
May 7, 2021Natalie Cohen, GIC Member and founder, principal author and publisher of The Public Purse, recaps recent House and Senate hearings and the SEC, and other institutions discussions on climate-related issues and financial stability.
COVID-19 and Rural Health
May 17, 2020GIC Member, Natalie Cohen, posted commentary about rural healthcare; the first Chap9 of 2020 for The Public Purse.
Climate Change Chronicles: Of Babies and Bathwater
March 12, 2019GIC Member and Speaker, Natalie Cohen, references GIC's 2019 Adapting to a Changing Climate conference in the latest blog post for The Public Purse.