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August 26, 2014GIC Member Bill Witherell discusses ECB President Draghi's comments at Jackson Hole.
Market Changes and Why
August 21, 2014David Kotok of Cumberland Advisors talks about changes around the world and their effect on the markets.
The Global Economic Outlook
August 19, 2014GIC Vice Chair of Programs Michael Drury discusses trust and China in this blog post.
German Locomotive Losing Steam
August 12, 2014GIC Member Bill Witherell, of Cumberland Advisors, discusses the slow down of the German economy.
Markets, SKEW-VIX Ratio, New Book
August 7, 2014Cumberland Advisors' David Kotok discusses rising uncertainty in the market.
Policy, Uncertainty and a New Book
August 5, 2014GIC Vice Chair David Kotok talks about history, the impact of military conflict and policy.