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Brexit: A Self-Harming Rush to the Gates

February 5, 2018

GIC Speaker and former Prime Minister of Ireland, John Bruton’s report on Brexit was published by The Globalist. Read below for an excerpt from the report.

“The rush for a quick Brexit harms the UK’s own interests. It is an irrational basis for deciding the future of Britain.

The risk of UK simply crashing out of the EU remains high. The gap between popular expectations and practical possibilities remains dangerously wide. The implications of UK withdrawal have not yet, even by now, been fully discovered by the negotiators on the either side.

As new complications and hypotheses are emerging every day, it is clear that the two-year time limit to conclude the negotiation of the terms for UK withdrawal from the EU is far too short.

Part of the real-life complication is that any kind of Brexit means digging down into 40 years worth of trade deals, memberships and understandings, which the UK can only be part of so long as it is in the EU.

The mellifluous talk oft-heard on the British side about a “bespoke” deal only disguises that reality very thinly.
As it stands, the UK hopes to leave the EU on March 29, 2019, but to continue to have access to the EU market for a two-year Transition Period, ending on March 29, 2021. This date was presumably chosen because it is before the scheduled date of the UK General Election.”

Read the full report at The Globalist.

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