Minimum Wage, Maximum Insanity
January 2, 2014GIC Chairman Emeritus Bill Dunkelberg, Ph.D., discusses the minimum wage.
Summer Solstice at Salar de Atacama
December 31, 2013GIC Vice Chair of the Central Banking Series David Kotok shares his impressions of Chile.
Taxes: Chipping Away at Prosperity
December 26, 2013GIC Chairman Emeritus discusses the impact of taxes on small businesses.
Sheila Bair’s Rules of the Road
December 24, 2013A recap of remarks by Sheila Bair, former chairman of the FDIC, at GIC's 2013 Women's Conference.
QE is Pushing on a Rope: Not the Solution to Weak Private Demand
December 19, 2013GIC Chairman Emeritus Bill Dunkelberg, Ph.D., discusses QE's impact, or lack thereof, on private demand.
Three Reasons Why the Fed Will Not Taper in 2013
December 17, 2013Member Adam Sarhan explains why he does not believe the FOMC will taper this month.
From the Headlines: Puerto Rico’s Debt
December 13, 2013A look at the facts surrounding Puerto Rico’s debt.
East Asian Kerfuffle
December 10, 2013GIC Vice Chair of the Central Banking Series discussed disputes in East Asia and their impact on the market.
A Virtual Meeting of the Minds
November 29, 2013Executive Director Ben Craig reflects on the ability of GIC’s new blog to connect members.