
GIC College of Central Bankers Symposium – Day One

Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2024
180 Central Park S, New York, NY 10019


For more information about this event, please contact Jill Fornito at [email protected]


Presentation Documents

Event Detail

GIC College of Central Bankers Symposium – Day One

Join us on Dec. 3 as we kick off our exclusive, two-day symposium in New York. These events will convene former leaders of the world’s central banks to explore monetary policy in the context of the current geopolitical challenges. All dinner attendees are also invited to register for Day 2 of our Symposium on December 4 at Bloomberg. 

December 3 – Pricing 

Dinner Tickets: $395 per person 

Global Citizen Award

On December 3rd, we are delight to announce the presentation of our Global Citizen Award  to longstanding GIC Board Member, to J Paul Horne.

Paul has been a dedicated supporter of GIC for over 30 years.  We are pleased to recognize Paul for his ongoing contribution and dedication to the Global Interdependence Center and the College of Central Bankers, and we are happy to announce him as the recipient of this year’s Global Citizen Award.

The award presentation will take place at the CCB Symposium Dinner on December 3rd at the NYAC. 


December 3, 2024

6:00pm: Cocktail Reception 

7:00pm: Dinner 

8:00pm: Featured Speaker: Mark Zandi, Chief Economist of Moody’s Analytics 

9:00pm: Conclusion

Location: New York Athletic Club – Main Dining Room, 180 Central Park South 

December 4, 2024: Conference Agenda

Please note: Registration details from Bloomberg will be provided soon 


The New York Athletic Club Dress Code

  • Gentlemen – Jackets are optional. Slacks, a collared shirt and dress shoes are permitted. Shirts must be tucked in.
  • Ladies – Permitted attire refers to business suits, tailored pant or skirt ensembles, and dresses. Spandex, open midriffs, halter tops, leggings, denim, and extremely short hemlines (more than 3″ above the knee, as a guideline) are not permitted.
  • Jeans, T-shirts, sneakers and flip-flops are prohibited. Attire with rips, frays, or tears or that displays language, motifs or insignias that may be deemed offensive are not permitted. 


Event Location

Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 Download iCal


Mark Zandi

Mark Zandi

Chief Economist, Moody's Analytics

Mark M. Zandi is chief economist of Moody’s Analytics, where he directs economic research. Moody’s Analytics, a subsidiary of Moody’s Corp., is a leading provider of economic research, data and analytical tools. Dr. Zandi is a cofounder of Economy.com, which Moody’s purchased in 2005.

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College of Central Bankers


Kathleen Stephansen
The Hornes of Virginia
Cygnus Asset Management, LLC
RiskBridge Advisors