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Paul McCulley, Chair

Chairman, GIC Global Society of Fellows

Paul McCulley is chairman of the Society of Fellows of the Global Interdependence Center (GIC).

Prior to endowing the Society and becoming its first chair, Paul was a senior partner at PIMCO, the world’s premier fixed income investment advisory firm, where he was a member of the investment committee, manager of multi-billion dollar portfolios and founding author of the research publication, Global Central Bank Focus.

Ellen Hughes-Cromwick, Ph.D.

Ellen Hughes-Cromwick is the chief economist for Ford Motor Company. Her role is to oversee the corporate economics and strategic issues group at Ford Motor Company with responsibility for the company’s global automotive industry analysis and forecasts used to support planning. The group’s responsibilities also include economic policy analysis, exchange rate forecasts and other factors important to the automotive financial sectors.

Richard Vague

Richard Vague

Richard Vague is a managing partner of Gabriel Investments, an early stage investment fund. He is also chairman of The Governor’s Woods
Foundation, a non-profit philanthropic organization, and managing director of The Miletos Group.

John E. Silvia, Ph.D.

John Silvia is a managing director and chief economist for Wells Fargo. Based in Charlotte, N.C., he has held his position since he joined Wachovia in 2002 as the company’s chief economist.

Visiting Scholars