Home > News & Press > Experts and Industry Professionals to Discuss Cyber Security on April 28 in Philadelphia

Experts and Industry Professionals to Discuss Cyber Security on April 28 in Philadelphia

April 16, 2015

April 16, 2015

Amanda Lichtenstein
[email protected] 

Experts and Industry Professionals to Discuss Cyber Security on April 28 in Philadelphia


What: The 33rd Annual Monetary and Trade Conference: Cyber Security in a Globally Integrated World

Cyber security is not something many of us think about every day. But—as recent international “hacking” events show—it is all around us. More and more personal data is being put online, from personal records to medical information to payment details. But the internet respects no country’s boundary. This conference—hosted by the Global Interdependence Center and Drexel LeBow College of Business—will focus on the geopolitical, legal and technical aspects of cyber security in the modern world.

Where: Gerri C. LeBow Hall
Drexel LeBow College of Business
3220 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

When: April 28, 2015, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Who: This event will feature the following speakers:

  • Rob D’Ovidio, Ph.D., associate professor of criminology and justice studies and associate dean for humanities and social science research at the College of Arts and Sciences at Drexel University;
  • Joseph Ingemi, data security and privacy consultant, IBM;
  • Curtis K. S. Levinson, US cyber defense advisor, NATO;
  • Andrea M. Matwyshyn, Ph.D., Microsoft Visiting Professor at the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton University; and
  • Alan Tilles, chairman of telecommunications and entertainment, Shulman Rogers.

Contact: To register for this event or for more information, please contact Amanda Lichtenstein, manager of marketing and membership, at [email protected] or 215-238-0990.

About the Global Interdependence Center: The Global Interdependence Center is a Philadelphia-based nonprofit organization that seeks to stimulate thoughtful, global dialogue on a wide range of issues that affect the international community, including economics, health care and government. GIC convenes conferences and roundtable discussions, both domestically and internationally, to identify and address emerging global issues. For more information, visit GIC’s website at www.interdependence.org.

About the LeBow College of Business at Drexel University: Drexel LeBow is a comprehensive business school offering bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. The College enrolls more than 3,700 students and offers programs in Philadelphia and Malvern, Pa., and its faculty in finance and international economics are ranked among the best in the world. (http://www.lebow.drexel.edu)

