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Financial Interdependence in the World’s Post-Crisis Capital Markets

March 3, 2010

For Immediate Release                                                                                                                     February 22, 2010 

PHILADELPHIA– On March 3, 2010, the Global Interdependence Center (GIC) will continue its 2010 International Conference Series, “Financial Interdependence in the World’s Post-Crisis Capital Markets” with a full day conference taking place at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

Members of the Press are invited to the all-day conference, in partnership with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, CFA Society of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Council for Business Economics.  Please contact Jillian Fornito [email protected] if you would like to cover the event.

The program will also feature a Congressional Panel with Congressman Scott Garrett (R-NJ) and Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA).

Keynote Speech presented by Eric Rosengren, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Please note: President Rosengren will not be interfacing with the members of the media at this conference.

  • Vince Farrell, Chief Investment Officer, Soleil Securities
  • John D. Rogers, President & Chief Executive Officer, CFA Institute
  • John Staley of Staley Capital Advisers, Inc
  • Larry Kantor, Head of Global Research, Barclays Capital, “Beyond the Recovery Trade”
  • Mark Zandi, Chief Economist, Moody’s Economy.com, “The Elements of a Successful Exit Strategy”
  • Frank Hatheway, Senior Vice President, NASDAQ OMX, “Promoting Transparency and Integrity in the Capital Markets”
  • David Kotok, GIC Program Chair and CIO, Cumberland Advisors

Members of the media will be asked to refrain from participating during the audience Q&A sessions. If you’re interested in speaking with one of our guests, please contact Jillian Fornito to arrange an interview at [email protected]

When: Monday, March 3, 2010

7:30am – Registration
8:00am – Program
1:00pm Conclusion


Where: Boehne Auditorium
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
6th & Arch Streets, Philadelphia, PA

Conference Summary:

Through a series of globally arranged conferences on several continents, GIC plans to convene worldwide meetings to discuss the new post-crisis interdependencies among and between financial market agents. We will examine newly expanded roles for governments, central banks, NGOs and private financial and non-financial businesses. Each country or region visited will include a public seminar where prominent presenters and discussants will address specific issues of financial interdependence. World capital flows, central bank independence, reserve currency status, fiscal policy changes, and credit market structures are among the topics that will be examined.

Because the world is not yet out of financial and economic danger, the commercial real estate crisis worsens, certain classes of securities remain un-priced and un-cleared, these discussions gain even more relevancy. The number of conferences and their venues could increase as the turmoil continues which is why we are setting aside two years for our planning purposes. Programs are confirmed in Hanoi, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Philadelphia,  Prague and Paris. Other locations under discussion are San Francisco, London, Bermuda, Oman, Korea, and Lisbon. Others throughout the world may be added as GIC partnerships and sponsors are engaged.

Each conference will be held in conjunction with a local partner, who will invite their regional constituencies to join the GIC delegation as attendees.

The Global Interdependence Center

GIC, a Philadelphia-based nonprofit organization founded in 1975, encourages the expansion of global dialogue and free trade to improve cooperation and understanding with the goal of reducing international conflicts and improving worldwide living standards.

GIC provides a forum for the exchange of divergent perspectives; engages experts to identify emerging economic, social, and political issues vital to the interdependent global community; organizes country and region-specific meetings, conferences and briefings for educational and networking opportunities; promotes global partnerships among governments, business, academic, and nonprofit organizations; and shares information and research with the public and with policymakers worldwide.

Our international delegations draw top leaders in policymaking, business, and academics.  The goal of these trips is to foster constructive dialogue, allow for an open and honest exchange of ideas in a non-partisan environment, and dissemination of best practices in business and policy from nations and organizations around the world.  Toward that end we hold some meetings under Chatham House rule, and invite the press for post-conversation conferences and speeches.  Materials presented are posted on our website to allow for the widest possible audience for our speakers.

TO REGISTER: Contact Jillian Fornito at the Global Interdependence Center, 215-898-9453 or email [email protected].
