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Global Interdependence Center Elects New Officers

June 25, 2014

June 25, 2014

Amanda Lichtenstein
[email protected]


Global Interdependence Center Elects New Officers
Chief Economist of McVean Trading and Investments to Serve as Chair 

PHILADELPHIA – The Board of Directors of the Global Interdependence Center (GIC) has selected Michael Drury, chief economist of McVean Trading and Investments, LLC, to serve as the organization’s chair, beginning in January 2015.

Drury, who currently serves as GIC’s vice chair of programs, has worked at McVean since 1992. He assesses macroeconomic developments around the world to help develop hedging strategies using futures markets in interest rates, currencies and industrial materials. Drury travels extensively in the United States and China, as well as to Japan, Europe and Latin America. He is president of the Economic Club of Memphis, was the founder and first president of the MidSouth Association for Business Economics (a chapter of NABE), is a member of the National Business Economic Issues Council (NBEIC) and is a non-resident member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing.

“I am delighted that Michael Drury has been selected as GIC’s next chair,” said outgoing Chair George Tsetsekos, dean emeritus of Drexel’s LeBow College of Business. “He has already helped to lead the organization to new heights as vice chair, and I am excited to support Michael in his new role.”

Drury will serve with two newly elected officers: Donald Rissmiller, founding partner of Strategas Research Partners, will serve as vice chair of programs, and John Silvia, chief economist of Wells Fargo, will serve as vice chair of the central banking series. Peter Gold, Esq., founder and president of TheGoldGroup, LLC, and E. Martin Heldring, senior vice president and managing director of TD Bank, N.A., were re-elected as vice chair of operations and treasurer, respectively.

These officers will lead GIC, as it expands its reach and programming. A Philadelphia-based nonprofit organization that seeks to stimulate thoughtful dialogue on a wide range of issues, GIC convenes conferences and discussions in the U.S. and abroad. Recent events have been held in Abu Dhabi, Bermuda, Jackson Hole, London, New York, Paris and Tokyo, among other locations. GIC regularly focuses on monetary policy and central banking, and recent speakers have included Richard Fisher, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Christian Noyer, governor of the Banque de France, Sandra Pianalto, former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Charles Plosser, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Eric Rosengren, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and Axel Weber, chairman of UBS and former president of Deutsche Bundesbank.

GIC is guided by 27 board members, with a dedicated executive committee of 10. Tsetsekos will continue to serve as a member of the executive committee of the board. Similarly, David Kotok will also continue to serve as a member of the executive committee and board, as he steps down after serving 10 years in various officer roles.

