Perspectives: Choppy Atlantic Waters Ahead?

September 30, 2013

Originally published at Reposted with permission of the author.   THE EUROPEAN INSTITUTE European Affairs Perspectives: Choppy Atlantic Waters Ahead?  [1] By J. Paul Horne Following Germany’s federal election on Sunday, September 22, there may be a growing risk of another chapter in the Euro crisis saga that began in late 2009.  Causes could be […]

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David Kotok speaks on Bloomberg TV’s Street Smart

August 06, 2013

David Kotok, CIO of Cumberland Advisors and GIC vice chair of the central banking series, was a guest host on Bloomberg TV’s Street Smart on August 6, 2013. Click the links below to watch: The Fed Has a Lot of Debt Coming Due Stocks Fall from Record Highs



Assessing Monetary Policy

July 12, 2013

Read the full text of President Charles Plosser’s presentation on the website of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia:


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