GIC Member, Rachel Ben-Avi: Now You See It, Now You Don’t

August 31, 2010

Acy sticks in my mind. I cannot get him out of my mind. I don’t mind him there. He is the one who touches me. “BP is trying to move out,” he says. “Oil is there,” he says. “We have oil on the bottom of our waterways. 90% of the oil is still there. We […]

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John Mauldin – The Gulf Oil Spill Disaster

August 15, 2010

As I mentioned last Monday night in my Outside the Box, I did not make it to Turks and Caicos, but did end up in Baton Rouge for a special seminar on the Deepwater Horizon Gulf oil spill. I have both good news (or maybe more like less-bad news) and bad news. Today’s letter is […]

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Dinner at Tara by Rachel Ben-Avi

August 15, 2010

We dined on Aug. 11 at the Governor’s Mansion in Baton Rouge and were hosted by the Lieutenant Governor of the state of Louisiana, Scott Angelle, who was elegant, gracious, charming, and informative. He was a Democrat, he was quick to tell us, and with self-deprecating reassurance, about the most “underwhelming” person in a high […]

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