Martin Barnes – “What Oil Spill?”

August 20, 2010

The estimated 4.9 million barrels of crude that flowed into the Gulf of Mexico from the Macondo well was the largest oil spill in U.S. history. Not surprisingly, the resulting damage to the livelihoods of fishermen and other Gulf Coast businesses, and the environmental threat to delicate natural habitats, created a media and political furor.

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GIC Member, Rachel Ben-Avi – Mother Earth

August 09, 2010

We are a nation of infants. Short on vision, short on delay of gratification, driven by desires which we experience as needs. Luxuries we deem necessities. Power, lucre. We are greedy, glutinous. Witness the steadily increasing width of the ever ravenous man, woman, child on the street. Like the typical two year old, we want […]

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Christian Noyer: Sovereign Crisis, Risk Contagion and the Response of the Central Bank

June 17, 2010

Ladies and gentlemen, I am very much honored to open this second session of conferences in Paris and I would like to thank the Global Interdependence Centre for having Banque de France as a partner of this full week conference. I will give the point of view of a central banker on the recent events […]

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