Blockchain, Crypto, and CBDC

October 27, 2021

Will central bank digital currencies disrupt the banking system? Is crypto as consequential as the internet? Watch this GIC Executive Briefing as Jim Bianco, President and Macro Strategist at Bianco Research, L.L.C., and Dave Nadig, CIO & Director of Research, ETF Trends & ETF Database, explore and debate the potential and the perils of cryptocurrencies, the blockchain, and CBDCs. Moderated by William Kennedy, GIC Vice Chair of Programs and Co-Founder, CEO and CIO of RiskBridge Advisors.

This video is available only to GIC Members. GIC Members may view this replay by logging into your account. If you’d like to join GIC or renew your account for access, please click here. If you’d like to purchase access to the replay without joining as a GIC member, please email Colleen for further instruction.



College of Central Bankers Inaugural Survey Review

October 21, 2021

GIC held a special College of Central Bankers Executive Briefing on October 21, 2021 exploring the CCB Inaugural Survey conducted among our Fellows earlier this year. Presenters included Don Rissmiller, Founding Partner of Strategas Research Partners, Marco Airaudo, Ph.D., Professor of Economics at Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business, Danny Blanchflower, Ph.D., Former Member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England, Charles Plosser, Ph.D., Former President & CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, J. Paul Horne, Independent International Economist & GIC Board Member, and Peter Gold, Esq., Principal, TheGoldGroup LLC, GIC Vice Chair, and Chair of the College of Central Bankers.



College of Central Bankers Inaugural Survey Review

October 21, 2021

Marco Airaudo, Ph.D., Professor of Economics at Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business, presented at GIC’s Executive Briefing, College of Central Bankers Inaugural Survey Review, on October 21, 2021.



The Fed’s Evolving Role in the Financial System

September 21, 2021

GIC’s Executive Briefing, The Fed’s Evolving Role in the Financial System, took place on September 21, 2021 with presenter Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO & Chief Strategist for Quill Intelligence LLC, moderator Lisa McIntire Shaw, Founding Partner of Cygnus Asset Management, LLC, plus opening remarks by William Kennedy, GIC Vice Chair of Programs and Co-Founder, CEO and CIO of RiskBridge Advisors.



The Second Deadly Sinners: Treasury Central Clearing Threatens Big Banks’ Stronghold

September 10, 2021

Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO & Chief Strategist for Quill Intelligence LLC and GIC speaker, shares a recent Weekly Quill write-up ahead of GIC’s upcoming Executive Briefing, The Fed’s Evolving Role in the Financial System.

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Camp Kotok 2021 – Articles and Resources

August 19, 2021

Explore write ups penned by campers about Camp Kotok in 2021.

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Camp Kotok 2021 – Panel Discussion: Is the US dollar’s world reserve currency status threatened?

August 18, 2021

This panel is moderated by Barry Ritholtz, Chairman and CIO of Ritholtz Wealth Management. Our speakers are Constance Hunter, Principal and Chief Economist of KPMG, and Leland Miller, CEO of China Beige Book International and GIC Board Member.



Camp Kotok 2021 – Down the Middle with David Kotok and Danielle DiMartino Booth

August 14, 2021

A recent episode of Danielle DiMartino Booth’s Down the Middle featured a discussion with David Kotok, live from Camp Kotok.


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