Camp Kotok 2021 – Bob Eisenbeis & Stephen Sexauer

August 15, 2021

Robert Eisenbeis, Ph.D., Cumberland Advisors’ Chief Monetary Economist & Stephen Sexauer, Chief Investment Officer for SDCERA, converse about what impact the pandemic has had on the 16/17B pension fund Steve manages, the cash crunch, liquidity issues and buffers, and the maxim that you can never, ever miss payroll. Bob and Steve also talk about the taper tantrum, fixed income yields, risk, what mix in a portfolio makes sense, and they wrap it up by addressing, “is the pandemic driving early retirement?”



Camp Kotok 2021 – David Kotok Looks Ahead with Barry Wood

August 11, 2021

David Kotok talks with Barry Wood at Camp Kotok about new variations of COVID slowing economic activity and that gdp growth in the US is likely to fall back to the 2% range.



Camp Kotok 2021 – Les Williams & Stephen Sexauer

August 08, 2021

Stephen Sexauer & Leslie “Les” Williams talk about Life, Lakes, “Cowboy Coffee,” and being a Master Guide in Maine during Camp Kotok 2021.



Camp Kotok 2021 – David R Kotok Wrapup & Summary of Week 01 at Camp Kotok

August 08, 2021

David R. Kotok summarizes Week 01 at Camp Kotok 2021 with some key takeaways. Topics include Long-COVID and the labor market.



Camp Kotok 2021 – David R Kotok & Pierce Nelson Discuss the CDC Foundation

August 08, 2021

David R. Kotok & Pierce Nelson convene during a lunch break at Camp Kotok to discuss the CDC Foundation and its unique 501(c)(3) non-profit status and mission. Pierce details some of the emergency response work they do & how they can at times respond more rapidly than governments. They have been very active during the COVID pandemic working to bring public and private partnerships together to maximize the good that can be done.



Camp Kotok 2021 – Bob Eisenbeis & Stuart Hoffman

August 06, 2021

At Camp Kotok 2021, Stu Hoffman relays comments from the Fed’s Vice Chairman: Will conditions to raise interest rates will be met by end of 2022? Contrast this with a Fed six months ago that indicated rates wouldn’t move until 2024. Inflation is also discussed with some color by Bob Eisenbeis and Stu Hoffman. Stu thinks early 2023 is time to raise rates and early 2022 may be when tapering of QE begins, with a goal of wrapping it up in 6-9 months.



Camp Kotok 2021 – David Kotok & Chris Whalen Discuss Banking, Treasury Market, & Group of 30 Report

August 05, 2021

Camp Kotok 2021 – David Kotok & Chris Whalen are back at Camp Kotok, held at Leen’s Lodge in Maine. They discuss the Group of 30 Report on Treasury Market disruptions, liquidity, banks, mortgage backed securities, bank earnings, net interest margins, “the spread is shrinking,” and more.



Camp Kotok 2021 – Bob Eisenbeis & Dave Nadig

August 06, 2021

At Camp Kotok 2021, Bob Eisenbeis & Dave Nadig talk about Dave’s involvement with ETFs, the “Taper Tantrum”, and where advisors might be putting their money for the long haul.


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