GIC’s Rocky Mountain Economic Summit: David Kotok Presentation

July 15, 2021

David Kotok, CIO of Cumberland Advisors, presented at the Thirteenth Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit in Victor, ID ​on July 15, 2021.



Economic Outlook: RMES Perspective from the Markets and Prices

July 15, 2021

John E. Silvia, CEO of Dynamic Economic Strategy, presented at the Thirteenth Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit in Victor, ID on July 15, 2021.



Inflation, Europe, EM

July 15, 2021

Megan E. Greene, Senior Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School, presented at the Thirteenth Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit in Victor, ID ​on July 15, 2021.



Ceres Farms Summary

June 22, 2021

Brandon Zick, the Chief Investment Officer of Ceres Partners presented at GIC’s Executive Briefing, Global Food Supply & Demand Dynamics, on June 22, 2021.



Consumer’s and professional’s perspectives towards a new food labeling in Israel

June 22, 2021

Dr. Vered Kaufman-Shriqui an epidemiologist, registered dietitian, and a faculty member at the School of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition Sciences at Ariel University presented at GIC’s Executive Briefing, Global Food Supply & Demand Dynamics, on June 22, 2021.



Global Food Supply & Demand Dynamics

June 22, 2021

Dr. Vered Kaufman-Shriqui an epidemiologist, registered dietitian, and a faculty member at the School of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition Sciences at Ariel University and Brandon Zick, the Chief Investment Officer of Ceres Partners presented at GIC’s Executive Briefing, Global Food Supply & Demand Dynamics, on June 22, 2021.



Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe

June 02, 2021

Niall Ferguson, MA, D.Phil. and Michael McKee discuss his recently published book, Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe, at GIC’s Executive Briefing on June 2, 2021.



What Comes after COVID? An Economic Outlook through the Lens of Latin America

May 17, 2021

On May 17, 2021, the GIC College of Central Bankers partnered with the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia on What Comes after COVID? An Economic Outlook through the Lens of Latin America. Speakers included College of Central Bankers Fellows, José De Gregorio, Ph.D., and Alfonso Prat-Gay, plus Peter A. Gold, Esq., Benjamin Leavenworth, and Lauren Swartz.


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