Small Business & the Economy

July 11, 2019

Bill Dunkelberg, Chief Economist, National Federation of Independent Business at the Eleventh Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit on Thursday, July 11, 2019 in Victor, ID.



The U.S. Economy and the Marginalized Worker

July 11, 2019

Jeffrey Korzenik, Chief Investment Strategist & Senior Vice President, Fifth Third Bank at the Eleventh Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit on Thursday, July 11, 2019 in Victor, ID.



Game Creek Capital, L.P.

July 11, 2019

Dick Mayo, Chairman and Chief Strategist, Game Creek Capital at the Eleventh Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit on Thursday, July 11, 2019 in Victor, ID.



U.S. Economic Outlook

July 11, 2019

William Strauss, Senior Economist and Economic Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago at the Eleventh Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit on Thursday, July 11, 2019 in Victor, ID.



Market Framework and Economic Overview

July 11, 2019

John Silvia, CEO, Dynamic Economic Strategy at the Eleventh Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit on Thursday, July 11, 2019 in Victor, ID.



China’s Cycle Leads the World: Tariffs Alone can’t Offset Stimulus

July 11, 2019

Michael Drury, Chief Economist at McVean Trading and Investments and GIC Chair Emeritus at the Eleventh Annual Rocky Mountain Economic Summit on Thursday, July 11, 2019 in Victor, ID.



GIC Economic Outlook: First Thoughts on the Coming Decade | Session 3

June 24, 2019

GIC Economic Outlook: First Thoughts on the Coming Decade took place on Monday, June 24, 2019 at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

Session III: State of the State’s Fiscal Challenges | Speakers:
Philippa Dunne, Editor, The Liscio Report
John Mousseau, President, Chief Executive Officer & Director of Fixed Income, Cumberland Advisors
Rick Mattoon, Senior Economist and Economic Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Moderator: Steve Sexauer, CIO, San Diego County Employees Retirement Association



GIC Economic Outlook: First Thoughts on the Coming Decade | Session 2

June 24, 2019

GIC Economic Outlook: First Thoughts on the Coming Decade took place on Monday, June 24, 2019 at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

Session II: Manufacturing & Productivity and the US Labor Force | Speakers:
William Strauss, Senior Economist and Economic Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Kevin Kliesen, Business Economist and Research Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Leslie McGranahan, Vice President and Director of Regional Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Jeff Korzenik, Chief Investment Strategist, Fifth Third Bank
Moderator: Kathleen Stephansen, Independent Trustee to the AXA-Equitable Mutual Funds, Senior Economic Advisor to the Boston Consulting Group Henderson Institute Center for Macroeconomics and GIC Vice Chair of Programs


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