Hidden Forces Podcast: The US-China Trade War: Global Markets in a Multi-Polar World | David Kotok

November 26, 2018

David Kotok discusses a wide-range of issues currently facing the global economy including trade, the US Dollar, European monetary policy, corporate bonds, as well as what markets he thinks are most at risk from interest rate tightening and as protectionist measures introduce new anomalies into the American economy.

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Central Banking Series: Madrid

November 15, 2018

Raphael Bostic, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and Jaime Caruana at Central Banking Series: Madrid at the Fundación Rafael de Pino in Spain on November 15, 2018.



New Risks in a New Geopolitcal Framework

November 15, 2018

Manuel Muñiz at Central Banking Series: Madrid at the Fundación Rafael de Pino in Spain on November 15, 2018.



From the Eyes of Central Banks

November 15, 2018

Massimo Rostagno at Central Banking Series: Madrid at the Fundación Rafael de Pino in Spain on November 15, 2018.



Central Bank Digital Currencies. Implementation & Impacts

November 15, 2018

Jorge Sicilia at Central Banking Series: Madrid at the Fundación Rafael de Pino in Spain on November 15, 2018.



The Euro Area: Economic situation, prospects and challenges

November 15, 2018

Oscar Arce at Central Banking Series: Madrid at the Fundación Rafael de Pino in Spain on November 15, 2018.



CHINA, TARIFFS AND THE ELECTION: Impacts on the World Energy and Commodities Markets

November 15, 2018

Michael Drury at Central Banking Series: Madrid at the Fundación Rafael de Pino in Spain on November 15, 2018.



The U.S. Economic Outlook And Monetary Policy

November 15, 2018

Dan Sullivan at Central Banking Series: Madrid at the Fundación Rafael de Pino in Spain on November 15, 2018.


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