Central Banking Series: Madrid

VIDEO May 13, 2015

Speaker / Author

Vicente Montes Gan

Director, Fundacion Rafael del Pino

Director of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, Vice president of the United Nations Global Compact Spanish Network, President of the Spanish State Economists Association, Founder and President of the NGO Liberdom and member of the Editorial Boards of the academic magazine Información Comercial Española and Ceteris paribus blog. Bachelor in Economics (Autónoma University of Madrid), Ph.D in Law (Complutense University of Madrid) and State Economist and Trade Specialist (highest Degree on Public and International Economics awarded by the Spanish Public Sector through competitive examination). Officer of the Royal Orden de Isabel La Católica, Leão de Oro of the Republic of Angola ... Read More

Jorge Sicilia

Chief Economist, BBVA Group and Director of BBVA Research

Currently Jorge Sicilia is chief economist of BBVA Group and director of BBVA Research. He leads a global team of economists distributed around Europe, US, Mexico, South America and Asia devoted to economic, financial and regulatory analysis. He is a member of BBVA’s ALCO and Regulatory Committee. Previous to this position, Jorge Sicilia has been BBVA’s chief economist for North America supervising the teams conducting economic and regulatory analysis on the US and México, principal economist in the Monetary Policy Stance Division at the European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt, Monetary and Financial Markets’ chief economist at BBVA in Madrid, head ... Read More

George Tsetsekos, Ph.D.

Francis Professor of Finance and Dean Emeritus Drexel’s LeBow College of Business

Dr. George Tsetsekos, serves as the Francis professor of Finance and Director of the Risk Management Center at the LeBow College of Business. He served as Dean of LeBow (2002-2012) and under his transformative leadership the college achieved national rankings and quality milestones in research and teaching. Prior to his appointment as Dean, he served as Drexel’s Vice Provost and Vice President for academic administration and contributed to the completion of the strategic merger between Drexel and MCP Hahnemann University. Dr. Tsetsekos’ extensive research covers the broad areas of corporate finance, investments, banking and international finance. His research contributions include articles ... Read More

Jose Luis Malo de Molina

Director General, Banco de España

Jose Luis Malo de Molina was born in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 1950. Doctor in Economics (with Distinction) from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). He lectured in Applied Economics at UCM until 1985. He joined the Banco de España Research Department in 1982 as an economist, where he held various positions of responsibility. He was director of the Monetary and Financial Studies Department until July 1992. In July 1992 he was appointed Director-General of the Banco de España DG Economics, Statistics and Research and a member of the Bank's Executive Commission. He accompanies the Governor the ECB Governing Council meetings, as ... Read More

David E. Altig, Ph.D.

Executive Vice President and Chief Economic Adviser, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

David E. Altig is executive vice president and chief economic adviser at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. He serves on the executive leadership team for the Bank's economic mobility and resilience strategic priority, is an executive cosponsor of the Working Families Employee Resource Network, and is an adviser to the executive leadership committee. Altig is a fellow and immediate past president of the National Association for Business Economics. In addition, he is a member of the advisory council of the Global Interdependence Center and its College of Central Bankers and a member of the National Business Economics Issues Council. He serves ... Read More

Daniel Sullivan, Ph.D.

Director of Research and Executive Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Daniel G. Sullivan is director of research and executive vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Sullivan serves as chief economist and as a member of the Executive Committee. He also attends meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the group responsible for formulating national monetary policy. His research is in the area of labor economics, especially issues related to displaced workers and alternative work arrangements. Prior to joining the Chicago Fed, Sullivan was an assistant professor of economics at Northwestern University and has also taught at Princeton University. In addition he is an adjunct faculty member at ... Read More

Livio Stracca, Ph.D.

Head of the International Policy Analysis Division in the European Central Bank

Livio Stracca is head of the International Policy Analysis Division in the European Central Bank. He holds a Ph.D. in economics and a postgraduate degree in European Union Law. He teaches at the University of Frankfurt J.-W. Goethe and has published extensively, mainly in monetary and international economics. ... Read More

José M. González-Páramo

Executive Board member, BBVA

José M. González-Páramo holds a Ph.D., M.Phil. and M.A. in Economics from Columbia University, New York, and a Ph.D. from the Complutense University of Madrid. In 1988 he joined the Complutense University of Madrid as a professor of Economics. In 2012 he joined the IESE Business School as a professor. Between 1985 and 1994 he was an economic advisor to various public and private institutions, including the Bank of Spain (1989–1994), the European Commission, the IMF and the World Bank. He was a member of the Executive Board and the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) between 2004 ... Read More

Donald Rissmiller

Founding Partner and Chief Economist of Strategas

Mr. Rissmiller is a founding Partner of Strategas and has directed the Firm's macroeconomic research efforts since 2006. He oversees Strategas' thematic research as well as high-frequency econometric forecasting.

Prior to co-founding Strategas in 2006, Mr. Rissmiller was an Economist and Managing Director at International Strategy & Investment (ISI) Group. Before joining ISI, he worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, focusing on the analysis of U.S. macroeconomic data and price/wage forecasting models. He is frequently quoted in the financial press. ... Read More