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Higher Education and American Competitiveness

ARTICLE May 18, 2017


Speaker / Author

Lloyd A. Jacobs, MD

President Emeritus, The University of Toledo

Lloyd A. Jacobs, MD stepped away from his position as President of the University of Toledo in 2014, after having led a vigorous process of growth and transformation to establish a new vision, a new identity, and a new level of educational, research, and clinical health services quality and excellence.  Dr. Jacobs began his appointment as UT’s 16th president in 2006, when the former Medical University of Ohio, of which he was President / CEO, and UT merged, and he was selected to lead the newly merged university. A strategic plan entitled Directions 2011 was approved unanimously by the Board of ... Read More

Peter A. Gold, Esq.

Principal, TheGoldGroup LLC

Peter A. Gold, Esquire is the founder and president of TheGoldGroup, LLC ( www.thegoldgrp.com). The consultancy brings businesses, colleges and universities, governments and not-for-profits together to create value, seize new opportunities, leverage assets, and reduce exposure to the risks created by today’s global economy principally through identifying “high value” initiatives and stakeholders in new institutes, centers of excellence and other initiatives. TheGoldGroup, LLC assists its clients to obtain their individual objectives better, quicker and in a more cost effective and efficient manner. Representative projects for clients located in Arizona, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio and Geneva, Switzerland include creating a road map ... Read More