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Introducing the Global Interdependence Center

VIDEO November 3, 2011

The Global Interdependence Center (GIC) is a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania based nonprofit organization with a global reach.

Our mission is to encourage the expansion of global dialogue and free trade in order to improve cooperation and understanding among nation states, with the goal of reducing international conflicts and improving worldwide living standards.

With that focus driving our work, GIC provides a forum for the exchange of divergent perspectives. We engage experts to identify emerging economic, social and political issues vital to the interdependent global community. GIC organizes country and region-specific meetings, conferences and briefings for educational and networking opportunities. We promote global partnerships among governments, non-governmental organizations, corporations, businesses and academic and research institutions. GIC also prides itself on sharing its findings with policymakers and the press worldwide.

Speaker / Author

The Global Interdependence Center

The Global Interdependence Center was launched in 1976, during Philadelphia's Bicentennial Celebration, at convocation of leading United Nations and U.S. officials. GIC's vision was affirmed and defined in a Declaration of Interdependence, crafted by the renowned historian, educator and author Henry Steele Commager, and symbolically signed by international dignitaries. ... Read More