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A Macro View: Japan with comments on other Asian countries

PRESENTATION July 18, 2016

Speaker / Author

Kozo Koide

Asset Management One Co.  Ltd

Kozo Koide is the Chief Economist at Asset Management One Co.  Ltd.,  which  is  the largest Japanese asset management company with about 52 trillion yen (approximately 505 billion US$) assets under its management in October 2016. Asset Management One was established by four-party consolidation in Mizuho Financial Group in October 2016. He joined DIAM Co., Ltd. (formerly DL-IBJ Asset Management) in October 2000. Mr. Koide provides the economic view for investment strategies, formulates investment ideas and universe for investment trusts for DIAM.  He serves as  the exclusive member from an  asset management business of the Regular Interview Meeting by the ... Read More