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The New Argentine Business Environment: The Politics of Stabilization and Structural Change (summary)
The New Argentine Business Environment: The Politics of Stabilization and Structural Change (summary)
PRESENTATION May 16, 2016Speaker / Author
José María Ghio
José María Ghio is a historian and political analyst with a PhD from Columbia University (NYC), author of numerous pieces on public administration and state reform. He is a founder of Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (Bs. As.), where he stood as Vice Chancellor for a decade. As professor and researcher he visited various highly esteemed international schools, such as the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University; the Kennedy School of Government and Graduate School of Education, Harvard University; the Kellogg Institute, University of Notre Dame; Universita de Bologna, Universita di Pavia and CIDE Mexico, among others. ... Read More