

William Dunkelberg – To Raise the Cost of Labor, What is Congress Thinking?

January 01, 1970

Congress has increased the cost of unskilled labor by 10.7% in the middle of the worst recession since the early 1980s. The unemployment rate is 9.5%. It is unclear how this is supposed to help the economy – unless you are Labor Secretary Solis or the Economic Policy Institute. The claim is that this will […]

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William C. Dunkelberg – “The Bigger the Bank, the Bigger the Eventual Collapse”

January 01, 1970

Larger, more concentrated banks would be a set-up for even larger financial disasters in the future.

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David Kotok – Today’s lunch with Jim Bullard

January 01, 1970

In a most forthright and clear Fed statement, St. Louis Fed president James Bullard spoke on Fed exit strategies at a Global Interdependence Center luncheon today at the Philly Fed. One can find the text of his slides and the videotape at

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Paul Horne – International Aspects of the Financial-Economic Crisis

January 01, 1970

It is ironic that this week, 50 years after we graduated, GM goes into bankruptcy with the U.S. government taking control in exchange for $50 billion of our, taxpayers’, money. When we were in school, Charlie Wilson, Ike’s Secretary of Defense and former CEO of GM said: “What’s good for GM, is good for the […]

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William C. Dunkelberg – “Unintended Consequences: Protectionism Backfires”

January 01, 1970

The “Buy America” provision in the “stimulus” (haven’t seen much of the $787 billion yet) package is causing more and more trouble to U.S. firms that would like to participate, but have “hidden” imports in their products.

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John Silvia: The Evolution of the Economy, Credit & Economic Policy

January 01, 1970

After more than a year of recession and a decline greater than forty percent in some financial indices, are we making any progress to the upside? To identify progress we first identify where we are now in the economy. Second, we address the question of whether we have reached a bottom, and which indicators we […]

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Michael Drury Chief Economist, McVean Trading & Investments: Weekly Economic Update – GIC in Shanghai

January 01, 1970

Bottom line, for the next two year’s we expect China’s robust growth to be a solid underpinning to demand for commodities of all sorts, sustaining the growing global interest in them as an asset class.

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William C. Dunkelberg – “Assorted KYW Commentaries”

January 01, 1970

The factionalization (new word) of America is becoming absurd. US News & World Reports reported that McCain made a great move talking about his shopping at COSTCO. Pollster Zogby says that COSTCO’s mainstream customers are must-wins in the fall election campaign. Zogby noted that McCain still needed to win the more conservative WalMart shoppers.

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Hubert Fromlet – “The Economy of the Baltic States: Good Trend Performance – but Uncomfortable Trade Imbalances”

January 01, 1970

In general terms, one may say that the Baltic States achieved really an impressing performance since their independence in the early 1990s. Nobody thought at that time that EU membership could be possible already in the year 2004. Indeed, the EU adaptation process meant a lot to the economic development in the past ten years […]

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J Paul Horne – “The Declining Dollar — Symptom and Symbol of U.S. Financial Negligence”

January 01, 1970

Looking beyond the current turmoil in global capital markets, that longrunning subject — what outlook for the dollar? — seems likely to involve further decline in its value against the euro and other major currencies.

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GIC Board Member, J. Paul Horne: Powers of the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank

January 01, 1970

To put into perspective possible structural changes for the Fed and ECB, it is useful to look at their origins. The Federal Reserve Board today describes itself as “an independent entity within the government,” whose Chairman is appointed by the U.S. President, subject to Senate confirmation.

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Peter Alois – “Views from the Persian Gulf on Election Day”

January 01, 1970

In sum, it was a great trip, reconnecting me with the latest global views of the Persian Gulf while identifying potential clients for my own business. I encourage all of you international travelers to take the pulse of your local contacts on your next trip overseas. And then please share that with us on your […]

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