
A Student’s Thoughts from the Rocky Mountain Economic Summit

July 29, 2014
Tim Riser

Tim Riser, a student at BYU, reflects on his time at the Rocky Mountain Economic Summit.

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Tapering Is Now Tightening

July 22, 2014
David R. Kotok
David R. Kotok

GIC Vice Chair of the Central Banking Series David Kotok, of Cumberland Advisors, explores tapering versus tightening.

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The Fed and Considerations from Jackson Hole

July 17, 2014
Donald Rissmiller
Donald Rissmiller

GIC Board Member Don Rissmiller shares his thoughts following the Jackson Hole event.

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Thoughts from the Rocky Mountain Economic Summit

July 15, 2014
Michael Drury
Michael Drury

GIC Vice Chairman of Programs Michael Drury, of McVean Trading, discusses the Rocky Mountain Economic Summit.

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China’s Economy Returns to Leading Asia Recovery

July 10, 2014
Bill Witherell
Bill Witherell

GIC Member Bill Witherell, of Cumberland Advisors, discusses growth in China.

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China’s Holidays

July 3, 2014
Timothy Weckesser
Timothy Weckesser

GIC Board Member Tim Weckesser discusses how China celebrated its recent national holidays.

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Second Quarter Review

June 26, 2014
David R. Kotok
David R. Kotok

GIC Vice Chairman David Kotok takes a look at events during the second quarter of 2014.

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Abe Refines and Aims His “Third Arrow” of Reforms at Japan’s Economy

June 24, 2014
Bill Witherell
Bill Witherell

GIC Member Bill Witherell, of Cumberland Advisors, discusses Japanese economic policy.

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Oil – Tom Keene’s Question

June 19, 2014
David R. Kotok
David R. Kotok

GIC Vice Chairman of the Central Banking Series David Kotok talks oil prices.

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Why are Wages Weak?

June 17, 2014
Michael Drury
Michael Drury

Michael Drury, GIC's vice chair of programs and McVean's chief economist, explores wages.

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The ECB and the Hesitant Eurozone Recovery

June 10, 2014
Bill Witherell
Bill Witherell

GIC Member Bill Witherell takes a look at the ECB's recent decisions and the Eurozone.

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How Much Are We Worth?

June 5, 2014
William Dunkelberg
William Dunkelberg

GIC Chairman Emeritus Bill Dunkelberg explores real net worth.

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